Ensure that your teething toddler gets everything they need
Parents of toddlers worry about their little ones getting the right nutrients. Now that they’re eating solid foods, toddlers are subject to similar recommended amounts of daily nutrients as adults. Getting them to eat healthy foods can be tricky, however, and the situation can be exacerbated in teething toddlers.
If your baby is crying or fussy during meal times, it may be because they’ve got a tooth coming in. Each child is different in terms of how much pain they experience, but teething can cause other uncomfortable symptoms as well. In a study published on the National Institute of Health website, the authors found that teething causes disruptive symptoms in the majority of children.
“The studies of teething disturbances in children have reported teething symptoms in as high as 80-90% of their study population, the results of the study showed that 68% of children with erupting teeth demonstrated general systemic symptoms like drooling, diarrhea, and fever…1“
While you can’t understand exactly what your baby is feeling, you can help by offering soft foods that are easy on their sore gums.
Foods that will make meal time easier for everybody

Certain foods not only ensure your teething toddler is getting everything they need nutritionally, but can help ease the discomfort. In some cases, altering the preparation method does the trick as well. For example, buy small shaped pasta, such as elbows, and cook it several minutes longer than recommended to reduce the amount of chewing required.
Another good option is yogurt, because it is both soft and cold, which helps soothe irritated gums — and it’s a good source of calcium. Applesauce is a favorite because it’s smooth and contains plenty of vitamins and fiber, but you can puree almost any other nutrient-packed fruit or cooked veggies to achieve the same soft texture. Soft cheese, like shredded mozzarella or cottage cheese, is also a good choice.
But is that everything?
While teething throws a monkey wrench into the difficult task of keeping your toddler happy and comfortable, there’s another culprit that could be causing the fussiness. Just like adults, kids need plenty of fiber in their diet to maintain regularity, but getting them to eat foods high in fiber is a challenge. The result is constipation.

“Constipation is a common problem in children. It’s one of the main reasons children are referred to a specialist, called a pediatric gastroenterologist.”2 How to tell if your toddler is getting enough fiber? Whether or not they experience constipation often.
Getting more fiber while teething can be even more of a challenge as your child may turn up their nose at high fiber foods, such as broccoli. A good option is to add toddler safe liquid fiber supplements to their daily routine.
Clarifiber from Vibrant Nutraceuticals is made from all natural ingredients and is non-gritty and flavorless. Added to your teething toddler’s soft food or juice, a daily dose of liquid fiber can help them stay regular and comfortable.
1 Teething disturbances; prevalence of objective manifestations in children under age 4 months to 36 months, Medicina Oral S.L. | NCBI .
2 Constipation in Children, healthy children .org, American Academy of Pediatrics.
NOTE: The Medicina Oral S.L., National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and American Academy of Pediatrics, have not reviewed or approved the above article.