Superpowers of micronutrients
Thankfully, with the help of science and today’s health movement, knowledge about proper nutrition has permeated America’s society to the point that most people know what makes a “balanced meal.” If you envision a healthy meal, it most likely has a variety of proteins, fats and carbs that are foundational to optimum well-being. What you may not be familiar with is that nutrition is far more complex. True, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are vital components, but in the sense that they are the “macronutrients.” In contrast, their counterparts called “micronutrients” receive far less attention but are just as critical as the big three.
Micronutrients work behind the scene and are basically the “building blocks” of health. Made up of different types of chemicals found naturally in the foods we eat, micronutrients are more commonly referred to as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
The benefits of micronutrients are innumerable such as the ability to prevent disease and fight aging. For many humans who want to avoid synthetic medicines, micronutrients offer a natural alternative. Truly having superpowers when it comes to promoting overall health and regenerating the body, it is no wonder many people seek to reap the many benefits of micronutrients!
The best micronutrient foods
Nutrition experts recommend the best source to get micronutrients is directly from whole foods since they are absorbed more easily so that you can maximize all possible benefits! A few nutritious foods that are rich in a wide variety of micronutrients include:
- Green vegetables: Though all colorful vegetables are certainly healthy, greens are perfect sources for vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and magnesium while remaining relatively low in calories.
- Fruits with berries: Rich in antioxidants and nutrients such as flavonoids, fiber and potassium, antioxidants are key to promoting brain health and cancer prevention.
- Nuts: Saturated in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, nuts are also a great source for micronutrients such as selenium, boron and choline.
- Meat (preferably grass-fed or wild): Sustainably raised meats are excellent sources of minerals such as iron as well as mood stabilizers such as B vitamins. Some meat products like chicken of beef liver are being hailed as “superfoods” since they are so rich in micronutrients.
- Beans: Probably the best source of fiber, beans are perfect for promoting digestion while keeping your cholesterol in check. They also contain the micronutrients calcium, manganese, folate and phosphorous.
- Whole grains: Specifically, ancient grains like quinoa, oats and buckwheat provide essential B vitamins and minerals and should always be part of a balanced diet since they one of the best ways to consume a majority of micronutrients and fiber.
Get more superpowers
As you can see, micronutrients should not be dismissed when considering nutrition. If you are not eating enough micronutrients, you may want to think about other ways you can introduce as many nutrients into your diet as possible. One way that is proven to boost your health is using micronutrient supplements.
Dedicated to wholesome, all-natural products, Vibrant Nutraceuticals has developed supplements that tap into the vast benefits of micronutrients. If you want to realize your best physical self, then take advantage of all that micronutrients have to offer your health!